Healing Yoga + Fashion Design
Following a bout with the flu, my tummy was upset. Feeling bloated, despite eating green and whole foods, I also felt cranky. My energy was low. Easing back into my yoga practice I wanted to start with sitting postures. That's when I remembered the Sufi grinds!
In addition to the physical discomfort, I was feeling pretty cranky. I chose to wear the Frolic design yoga leggings and scarf because it is such a cheery design. Paired with Sufi grinds I really hoped I'd feel better.
Here are the basic directions:
1. Sit in easy pose 2. Place hands on the knees 3. Rotate the spine in big circles 4. Keep your spine and head upright 5. Inhale as you circle forward 6. exhale as you circle around the back 7. Hold an uplifting mantra at the space between your eyebrows 8. Rotate slowly and imagine your pelvis as a bowl being stirred 9. Enjoy the simplicity and power of this motion!
Practicing Sufi grinds for ten minutes in the morning and ten minutes in the evening released the tummy tension + wearing Frolic helped shift my mood to one of hope and happiness.
Check out this link for a more detailed description of Sufi grinds:
Lisa L. Frechette